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Useful numbers and information



If you need urgent help, call CRISIS CARE* (08) 9223 1111 or Country Freecall 1800 199 008*

If you are in immediate physical danger, call POLICE 000

*Crisis Care is the Department for Communities, Child Protection and Family Support’s telephone information service for anyone who needs urgent help, including crisis accommodation.

Support Info

Support Info

Women's Domestic Violence Helpline:

  • (08) 9223 1188
  • Or Country Freecall 1800 007 339

Legal Aid Domestic Violence Unit:

  • (08) 9261 6222

Men's Domestic Violence Helpline:

  • (08) 9223 1199
  • Or Country Freecall 1800 000 599

Starick Services

Starick Services

Starick crisis accomodation

If you are in immediate physical danger, call the police now on 000. If you are not in immediate danger and would prefer to speak to a support worker at one of your refuges:

  • Phone (08) 9458 1107

Starict oureach services

If you are experiencing domestic and family violence but are unable or unwilling to stay in a refuge, contact out outreach worker to discuss the range of free services we offer:

  • Phone (08) 9398 5039 or walk into Starick's outreach services office at Community Lotteries House, 2232 Albany Highway, Gosnells.

Starick domestic violence advocates

Out domestic violence advocates are based at local police stations and offer free support, as well as referral to legal and other services:

  • Armadale: Call Armadale Police Station on 9399 0222 or walk in at 23 Prospect Rd, Armadale
  • Cannington: Call Cannington Police Station on 9451 0000 or walk into at 1325 Albany Hwy, Cannington.

Starick "Safe At Home" program

If you want to stay in your home safe from an abusive partner or family member and that person is no longer living at the property, our Safe at Home program can offer practical advice and support. We also have a Safe at Home program specifically for Aboriginal women.

  • (08) 6290 2816
  • Or walk into Starick's office at Community Lotteries House, 2232 Albany Highway, Gosnells.

